Redis Vector Store
The Redis Vector Store node is a component that integrates Redis, an open-source, in-memory data structure store, as a vector database for similarity search operations. It allows for upsert of embedded data and performing similarity searches on the stored vectors.
Node Details
Name: Redis_VectorStores
Type: Redis
Version: 1.0
Category: Vector Stores
Base Classes
Credential (Required)
Label: Connect Credential
Name: credential
Type: credential
Credential Names: redisCacheUrlApi, redisCacheApi
Document (Optional)
Type: Document
List: true
Description: The documents to be inserted into the vector store.
Embeddings (Required)
Type: Embeddings
Description: The embedding model to use for converting documents into vectors.
Index Name (Required)
Type: string
Description: The name of the Redis index to use.
Replace Index on Upsert (Optional)
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: If true, deletes the existing index and recreates a new one when upserting.
Content Field (Optional)
Type: string
Default: “content”
Description: Name of the field that contains the actual content.
Metadata Field (Optional)
Type: string
Default: “metadata”
Description: Name of the field that contains the metadata of the document.
Vector Field (Optional)
Type: string
Default: “content_vector”
Description: Name of the field that contains the vector.
Top K (Optional)
Type: number
Default: 4
Description: Number of top results to fetch.
Redis Retriever
Name: retriever
Base Classes: [Redis, VectorStoreRetriever, BaseRetriever]
Redis Vector Store
Name: vectorStore
Base Classes: [Redis, RedisVectorStore base classes]
The node provides two main functionalities:
Upsert: Allows inserting or updating documents in the Redis vector store.
Similarity Search: Enables performing similarity searches on the stored vectors.
This node is typically used in workflows where fast similarity search is required on a large number of embedded documents. It’s particularly useful in applications such as:
Semantic search engines
Recommendation systems
Document retrieval systems
Any application requiring quick similarity comparisons between vectors
Implementation Details
The node uses the
npm package for Redis client operations. -
It implements a singleton pattern for the Redis client to optimize connections.
The node handles both direct Redis URL connections and credential-based connections.
It includes methods for upserting documents and performing similarity searches.
The implementation includes error handling and index existence checks.
Ensure that you are running a RediSearch-capable Redis instance for full functionality of this node.