Pinecone Vector Store
The Pinecone Vector Store node is a component used for managing and querying vector embeddings using Pinecone, a fully managed hosted vector database. This node allows for upsert operations, similarity searches, and MMR (Maximal Marginal Relevance) searches on embedded data.
Node Details
Name: Pinecone_VectorStores
Type: Pinecone
Version: 5.0
Category: Vector Stores
Base Classes
Type: pineconeApi
Required Fields:
- pineconeApiKey
Input Parameters
Document (optional, list)
Type: Document
Description: List of documents to be embedded and stored
Embeddings (required)
Type: Embeddings
Description: Embedding model to use for vectorizing documents
Record Manager (optional)
Type: RecordManager
Description: Keeps track of records to prevent duplication
Pinecone Index (required)
Type: string
Description: Name of the Pinecone index to use
Pinecone Namespace (optional)
Type: string
Description: Namespace within the Pinecone index
File Upload (optional)
Type: boolean
Description: Enables file upload functionality in the chat
Pinecone Text Key (optional)
Type: string
Default: “text”
Description: Key in the metadata for storing text
Pinecone Metadata Filter (optional)
Type: json
Description: Filter to apply on metadata during queries
Top K (optional)
Type: number
Default: 4
Description: Number of top results to fetch
MMR Parameters (optional)
- Various parameters for Maximal Marginal Relevance search
Pinecone Retriever
Type: Retriever
Description: A retriever object for querying the Pinecone vector store
Pinecone Vector Store
Type: VectorStore
Description: The Pinecone vector store object
Upsert Method
Adds or updates documents in the Pinecone index
Handles file upload and chat ID association if enabled
Supports record management to prevent duplication
Delete Method
Removes documents from the Pinecone index based on provided IDs
Supports deletion through record manager or direct ID-based deletion
Init Method
Initializes the Pinecone vector store with the provided configuration
Sets up metadata filters, including chat ID filtering if file upload is enabled
Returns either a vector store or a retriever based on the node configuration
Use Cases
Semantic search applications
Question-answering systems
Document retrieval systems
Recommendation engines
Any application requiring efficient similarity search on vector data
This node integrates closely with LangChain’s implementation of Pinecone
It supports advanced features like MMR search and metadata filtering
The node is designed to work within a larger workflow, potentially connecting with other nodes for complex AI and ML tasks
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