Node Details

  • Name: VoyageAIEmbedding_Embeddings
  • Label: VoyageAI Embeddings
  • Type: VoyageAIEmbeddings
  • Version: 2.0
  • Category: Embeddings

Base Classes

  • VoyageAIEmbeddings
  • Additional base classes from VoyageEmbeddings (dynamically retrieved)


Credential (Required)

  • Type: voyageAIApi
  • Required Parameters:
    • apiKey: The API key for accessing the Voyage AI service
    • endpoint: The API endpoint for the Voyage AI service (optional)


  • Model Name:
    • Type: Asynchronous dropdown
    • Default: ‘voyage-2’
    • Available options are dynamically loaded using the listModels method


The node initializes a VoyageEmbeddings instance with the following:

  1. Retrieves the selected model name
  2. Fetches credential data (API key and optional endpoint)
  3. Creates a VoyageEmbeddings object with the API key and model name
  4. Sets a custom API URL if provided in the credentials


This node is typically used in a pipeline where text needs to be converted into numerical vector representations. These embeddings can then be used for:

  • Semantic search
  • Text classification
  • Clustering similar texts
  • Measuring text similarity
  • Input for other machine learning models


The node is designed to work within a larger system, likely a graphical interface for building NLP pipelines. It can be connected to other nodes for data input and further processing of the generated embeddings.


  • @langchain/community/embeddings/voyage: Provides the VoyageEmbeddings class
  • Various utility functions from the parent project for credential management, model loading, and base class retrieval


This node is part of a modular system and is expected to be used alongside other components for building comprehensive NLP workflows.