Node Details

  • Name: GoogleCustomSearchAPI_Tools

  • Type: GoogleCustomSearchAPI

  • Version: 1.0

  • Category: Tools


The node doesn’t have any direct input parameters. Instead, it relies on credentials for authentication and configuration.


  • Label: Connect Credential

  • Name: credential

  • Type: credential

  • Credential Names: googleCustomSearchApi

Credentials Required

  1. Google API Key: Used for authentication with Google’s API services.

  2. Google Custom Search Engine ID: Identifies the specific Custom Search Engine to be used.


The node initializes by:

  1. Retrieving credential data.

  2. Extracting the Google API Key and Custom Search Engine ID from the credentials.

  3. Creating and returning a new instance of GoogleCustomSearch with these parameters.

Base Classes

The node inherits from:

  • GoogleCustomSearchAPI

  • Any base classes of the GoogleCustomSearch class from the @langchain/community/tools/google_custom_search package.


This node is typically used in workflows or applications that require:

  • Targeted web searches within specific domains

  • Integration of Google search capabilities into custom applications

  • Automated information retrieval from the web


  • Input: No direct inputs are required for this node.

  • Output: Returns an initialized GoogleCustomSearch instance, which can be used to perform custom searches.


  • Proper credentials (API Key and CSE ID) must be set up and provided for the node to function correctly.

  • The node leverages the @langchain/community package, indicating it’s part of a larger ecosystem of tools and utilities.

  • It’s designed to be flexible and can be integrated into various workflows within the larger system it’s a part of.