Node Details

  • Name: ExaSearch

  • Type: Tool

  • Version: 1.0

  • Category: Tools



  • Credential: An API key for Exa Search (credential type: exaSearchApi)


  • Tool Description: A custom description of the tool’s functionality (default provided)

  • Num of Results: Number of search results to return (default: 10, max varies by plan)

  • Search Type: Options include ‘keyword’, ‘neural’, or ‘magic’ (auto-decides between keyword and neural)

  • Use Auto Prompt: Boolean to enable query conversion to Exa format

  • Category: Specifies a data category to focus the search (e.g., company, research paper, news)

  • Include Domains: List of domains to include in the search

  • Exclude Domains: List of domains to exclude from the search

  • Start Crawl Date: ISO 8601 date to set the earliest crawl date for results

  • End Crawl Date: ISO 8601 date to set the latest crawl date for results

  • Start Published Date: ISO 8601 date to set the earliest publication date for results

  • End Published Date: ISO 8601 date to set the latest publication date for results


The input to this node should be an Exa-optimized query string. If ‘Use Auto Prompt’ is enabled, the input can be a natural language query that will be converted to Exa format.


The output is a JSON array containing the search results. Each result typically includes details such as the URL, title, snippet, and other metadata related to the search hit.


This node is particularly useful in AI applications that require up-to-date information from the web. It can be used in various scenarios such as:

  1. Fact-checking and information verification

  2. Gathering current events or news for analysis

  3. Research assistance in specific domains (using the Category filter)

  4. Competitive analysis (using company category and domain filters)

  5. Trend analysis across various data types (news, social media, academic papers)

The node’s flexibility in search parameters allows for fine-tuned queries, making it a powerful tool for AI-driven information retrieval tasks.