
  • Name: Calculator

  • Type: Tool

  • Version: 1.0

  • Category: Tools

  • description: ‘Perform calculations on response’

  • baseClasses: Includes ‘Calculator’ and any base classes from the Calculator import


The node is implemented as a class named Calculator_Tools which implements the INode interface.


  • constructor(): Initializes the node with its properties.

  • init(): Asynchronous method that returns a new instance of the Calculator class.


As this is a tool node, it doesn’t have explicit input/output parameters defined in the code. The actual I/O would be handled by the Calculator class it instantiates:

  • Input: Typically a string containing a mathematical expression.

  • Output: The result of the calculation, usually a number.


This node is used to add calculation capabilities to a larger system. It can be integrated into workflows where numerical computations are needed based on text input or as part of a chain of operations.


The node is exported as part of a module, allowing it to be imported and used in other parts of the application. It’s designed to be compatible with a system that uses the INode interface, likely a node-based workflow or processing system.


  • The node uses the getBaseClasses function to dynamically include all base classes of the Calculator tool, ensuring compatibility with the broader system.

  • As a tool, this node is likely to be used in conjunction with other nodes or components to process and manipulate data within a larger application or AI model.