Custom JS Function
The Custom JS Function node is a utility component that allows users to execute custom JavaScript functions within their workflows. This node provides flexibility and extensibility by enabling users to write and run their own JavaScript code as part of the data processing pipeline.
Node Details
Name: CustomFunction_Utilities
Label: Custom JS Function
Type: CustomFunction
Category: Utilities
Version: 3.0
Input Parameters
Input Variables (optional)
Type: JSON
Description: Input variables that can be used in the function with a ‘var)
Accepts variables and lists
Function Name (optional)
Type: String
Description: A name for the custom function
Placeholder: “My Function”
Additional Tools (optional)
Type: Tool
Description: Tools that can be used in the function with $tools.
Accepts a list of tools
Javascript Function
Type: Code
Description: The custom JavaScript function to be executed
Types: string, number, boolean, json, array
Description: The result of the custom function execution
Ending Node
Type: CustomFunction
Description: Indicates if this node is the final node in the workflow
The Custom JS Function node creates a sandboxed environment to execute the provided JavaScript code. It offers the following capabilities:
Access to input variables, flow metadata, and custom tools
Ability to use both built-in Node.js modules and external dependencies (configurable via environment variables)
Secure execution using NodeVM to isolate the custom code
Define input variables (if needed) in JSON format
Optionally, provide a name for your function
Add any additional tools required by your function
Write your custom JavaScript function in the code editor
The function’s return value will be passed as the output to the next node in the workflow
Security Considerations
The node uses NodeVM to create a sandboxed environment, limiting access to the host system
Built-in dependencies and external modules can be configured using environment variables:
TOOL_FUNCTION_BUILTIN_DEP: Comma-separated list of additional built-in modules to allow
TOOL_FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_DEP: Comma-separated list of additional external modules to allow
This node is particularly useful for implementing custom logic, data transformations, or integrating external services that are not covered by other nodes in the system.